Let’s face it, a re-roof is a ‘grudge purchase’. When you do decide you have to replace yours, you want to do it quickly, inexpensively and with as little fuss as possible. That’s what the team at Ultimate Roofing are trained to accomplish; below is a step-by-step schedule of the process.
A step-by-step-guide to replacing your roof with Ultimate Roofing.
» First Contact
Contact us requesting a quote for a re-roof and we will be in touch.
» Roof Appraisal
We visit your home, examine your roof, discuss product choices and any issues that may be evident from your particular situation. We’ll then provide a quote to replace your roof in the profile of your choice.
» Make A Date
On accepting the quote, a 50% deposit is usually payable and the work is scheduled in for an agreed date. (Bear in mind that all roofing is weather-dependant so hard-and-fast dates may require a bit of wiggle-room!)
» Timely Installation
Installation generally takes about a working-week from start to finish and happens in clear and practiced steps:
Erect scaffolding and roof-edge safety measures
Remove old roofing material and dispose of off-site
Check the roof sub-structure, prepare surface and install new roofing battens if necessary
Install new roof complete with all hips, ridges, flashings etc (usually about a week)
Clean up roof rubbish around your property and perform final inspection of new roof
» Final Sign Off
Any remaining payment is now due and we’ll provide you with your Gerard warranty certificate and maintenance guide.